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dc.contributor.authorSuryanarayana, A.
dc.contributor.authorMurty, V.S.N.
dc.contributor.authorSarma, Y.V.B.
dc.contributor.authorBabu, M.T.
dc.contributor.authorRao, D.P.
dc.contributor.authorSastry, J.S.
dc.identifier.citationOceanography of the Indian Ocean. Ed. by: Desai, B.N., 595-604p.
dc.description.abstractThe distribution of temperature, salinity, density and geostrophic currents in the upper 500 m of the western Bay of Bengal within 500 km adjoining the East Coast of India for NE and SW monsoons have been studied. These distributions show considerable variation in space from season to season. The variations are mainly influencEd. by the seasonal winds and fresh water discharge from major rivers located all along the periphery of the Bay. The near surface flow is mainly south westerly during NE monsoon while during SW monsoon, it is characterisEd. by cyclonic and anticyclonic gyres. North of 15 degrees N, the influence of freshwater on the flow is dominant within 100 km from the coast. Beyond 100 km, the flow is influencEd. by the wind forcing
dc.publisherOxford and IBH, New Delhi
dc.rightsCopyright [1992]. All efforts have been made to respect the copyright to the best of our knowledge. Inadvertent omissions, if brought to our notice, stand for correction and withdrawal of document from this repository.
dc.titleHydrographic features of the western Bay of Bengal in the upper 500 m under the influence of NE and SW monsoon
dc.typeConference Article

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