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dc.contributor.authorKaruppasamy, P.K.
dc.contributor.authorMenon, N.G.
dc.identifier.citationJournal of the Marine Biological Association of India, Vol.47; 101-105p.
dc.description.abstractResults of a preliminary study on the occurrence and distribution of seventeen species of Penaeoid and Sergestoid shrimps from the deep scattering layer (DSL) of the Indian EEZ of Arabian Sea are presented here based on the IKMT samples collected during FORV Sagar Sampada cruises from May 1998 to December 2002
dc.publisherThe Marine Biological Association of India
dc.rightsCopyright [2005]. It is tried to respect the rights of the copyright holders to the best of the knowledge. If it is brought to our notice by copyright holder that the rights are voilated then the item would be withdrawn.
dc.titlePenaeoid and sergestoid shrimps from the deep scattering layer (DSL) in the Arabian Sea
dc.typeJournal Article

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